It makes sense to proof read papers or articles in Microsoft Word as it provides a pretty good spell and grammar checker (as opposed to what is available for use with Latex). A method working pretty well for me is the following:
Include \usepackage{hyphenat} in your Latex project.
Surround all text in the Latex document with a \nohyphens{ } which forbids hyphenations.
Use NitroPDF or to convert the Latex generated PDF to a Word .doc file.
The PDF to Latex converter often produces multiple white spaces after another. This is reported by the spell checker. To remove this problem, do the following:- Ctrl+H
- Find what: enter ^w
- Replace with: enter a space
- Replace all.
To avoid ligatures (e.g., ff, fl, fi are one character) use the following package and configuration:
\DisableLigatures{encoding = *, family = * }
The nohypens step is useful, because the PDF to Word converter does not recognize words that have be hyphenated (or split) by Latex - they are interpreted as two word. Using the nohyphens block avoids this problem and there is considerably less to proof read and actual errors are easier to spot.